Monday, September 24, 2018

New Release: Jezebel Redeemed

I'm so excited! My book releases this week!

Here's the back cover blurb:

Tandy was a woman who loved men.
A few too many men,
to her own detriment.

Tandy sees her past life as that of a Jezebel—full of wickedness, a life spent defying God, and denying Him control of her life for too many years.

Jezebel Redeemed is a memoir, a confession of those wrong deeds. Like most writers,
Tandy wants to be heard and understood through her earnestly made confession, one she prays will help many others who are
living life on their own terms.

The book is now available in paperback from Amazon, but you can also order it from your favorite bookstore. It's also available on Kindle.

Here are the links to buy the book:

Jezebel Redeemed on Kindle
Jezebel Redeemed on Amazon